Borobudur's name

A lot of theory one that tries to word this temple name. One of it declares for that this name words indigenous possible Sambharabhudhara , which is its mean" mountain " ( bhudara ) whereabouts at its cant lie terraces. Besides there are some etymology another people. Let say word borobudur come from utterance "Buddha" one that since sound shift becomes borobudur . Its other explanation that this name is indigenous two words "smoulder" and "beduhur". Say smoulder konon comes from to say shrine , while there is too other explanation whereabouts smoulder come from sanskrit with the meaning complex temple or abbey and beduhur its mean "high", or reminding deep balinese one that matter "upon". So fathoms a meaning it one abbey or garrison those are on highland.
Historian J.G. de Casparis in its thesis to get doctorate on 1950 opine that Borobudur is altar. Base Karangtengah's inscription and Kahulunan, Casparis estimates, founder Borobudur is reigning of dynasty Syailendra named Samaratungga around 824 M . That giant building can just be solved on its daughter term, Queen Pramudawardhani . Borobudur's development estimating to eat century half time.

Borobudur's structure
Borobudur's temple gets to form punden berundak, one that consisting of six zoom get to square form, three zoom get form domedding to circle and one stupa main as top it. Besides spread at all level it some stupa.
Borobudur that high-rise ten figure philosophies clear alae sects Mahayana . such as one book, Borobudur figures ten levels Bodhisattva one that has to be passed through to reach perfection as Buddha.
A part Borobudur's foot epitomizes Kamadhatu , which is the world which is still to be gained control by kama or "the lower self low". A part it a considerable part enclosed by stacked stone one predicts to be made to strengthen temple construction. On enclosed part structured additional it exists 120 story panes Kammawibhangga . Partly little structured additional it is set apart so person is still get to see relief on sectioned it.
Four floors with berelief's wall on it by pro named Rupadhatu . Its floor gets square form. Rupadhatu is world one can privilege from the lower self , but is still to be tied-up by face and form. This level epitomizes nature among namely, among bottom nature and nature on . On this Rupadhatu's part Buddha's statues exists on wall nook upon ballustrade or selasar.
Floor beginning to five until wall seventh it not berelief. This level is named Arupadhatu (one that matter is not as or abstract). Floor lay out gets to form circle. This level epitomizes nature on , whereabouts man has released from all wish and tied up form and face, but haven't reached nirvana . Buddha's statues is placed in stupa who is closed pocked as deep as coop. From outside that statue still observable cryptic.
Supreme level that figure form nothingness is epitomized as stupa the greatest and supreme. Stupa is figured plainly without hole. In stupa was outgrown by it, predicted before there is one Adibuddha's delineation statue. Preconceived statue indigenous stupa was outgrown by it is now to be placed deep one museum archaeology, severally hundred meters of Borobudur's temples. This statue is recognised by the name of unfinished Buddha .
At past, severally statuary Buddha stands up with 30 stones with relief, two lion statues, severally petrifies to get scorpion form, ladder and gate is sent to Thailand's king , Chulalongkorn one that visits Hindia is Dutch (now Indonesia) on year 1896 as a present from government Hindia Dutch while that.
Borobudur have no idolatrous rooms as temple other. Whatever available it length alley that constitutes catwalk. Alley were drawn the line by wall drawn round zoom temple after zoom. At alleys this is people Buddha was estimated to do hike ceremony drawn round temples towards right. Building form without hall and structure tiers up this was predicted constitute developing of form punden berundak , one that constitute original architecture form of Indonesian prehistory term.
Borobudur's structure if is seen from above forms structure mandala .


At any given level sculptured by reliefs on temple wall. This relief are read appropriate clockwises or are called mapradaksina in language Kuna's java one that indigenous sanskrit daksina with the meaning it east . This relief its plot assortments, for example available reliefs about wiracarita Ramayana . There is too story reliefs jataka .
Relief story perusals this everlastingly been begun, and end on east side portal at each its zoom, its beginning at left and ends at next door that portal right. Therefore manifestly that eastern is ladder get on truthfully (main) and wends temple top, its mean that temple hads up easterly even similar another flanks right.
There is formation even and division story relief on wall and temple baluster, are as follows:

In series, therefore story on ala temple relief ringkat wherewith as follows:

According to symbolic meaning on does splits temple, relief that adorn cloaked batur wall that, figuring karma law. That relief suite not such draw story( serial), but on each pigura figures a story that have correlation because effect. That relief not even give picture to human censured conduct espoused by punishment who will be gotten it, but also well-doing man and reward. Wholly constitute human life delineation in whorled comes into the world life and death (samsara) one that never ends, and by Buddha's religion bounds in chain to be called that will be ended up to wend perfection.

Constituting history delineation Buddha in a series relief (but not such history which fledged) one that is begun of descent of Buddha of Tusita's heaven, and ends by first pontificate at Deer Garden near Banaras's city. This relief in a row of ladder on the side southern, after melampui relief suite as much 27 pigura that is begun from east side ladder. 27th pigura that figures rushing, well at heaven and also at the world, as preparation as to welcome in attendance last manifestation Bodhisattwa interrupts me Buddha's candidate. That relief figures to come into the world it Buddha at arcapada this as Siddhartha's Prince, Suddhodana's prince and Virtual Princess of Kapilawastu's Country. That relief total 120 pigura, one that end with first pontificate, one that symbolically been showned as Dharma's Wheels Rotating, teaching Buddha at calls dharma one that also matter "law" ,meanwhile dharma is epitomized as wheels.
Jataka and Awadana
Jataka is story about Buddha before is borne as Siddharta's Prince. Its content constitute well-doing protrusion subject, one that differentiates Bodhisattwa of other being whichever also. Most verily, service collecting / well-doing constitute preparation step in effort makes towards ringkat goes to buddha an.
Meanwhile Awadana, basically well-nigh equal to Jataka but then agent it is not Bodhisattwa, but others and dihimpun's story in book diwyawadana that noble conduct matter godhead, and Awadanasataka's book or a hundred Awadana's stories. On Borobudur Jataka's temple relief and awadana, treated with, its mean both available in a series same without differentiated. The most gathering famous of life Bodhisattwa is Jatakamala or Jataka's story circuit, Aryasura's laureate opus and jang lives in Masehi's 4th century.
Constituting relief suite adorn 2nd alley wall,is Sudhana's story that roams without know tire in its effort look for supreme Science about unmitigated truth by Sudhana. Its delineation in 460 pigura is gone upon on Buddha Mahayana's innocent book that gets Gandawyuha's title, and for its closing part bases another book story which is Bhadracari.

Borobudur's development step

First phase
Borobudur's development term unknown must (estimated among 750 and 850 M ). Initially been built high-rise grade manner. Seems to be designed as berundak's pyramid. but then is changed. As proof as available manner arranges that unloaded.

Second phase
Foundation Borobudur is widened, added by two undak square and one undak circles that directly been given stupa parent outgrows.

third phase
Undak on whorled with stupa parent outgrows to be uncovered and is removed and is substituted three undak circles. Stupa stupa is built on this undak undak's top with one stupa outgrows in the middle it.

Fourth phase
There is little change as makings of relief changing ladder and gambrel on door

Borobudur's find and restoration

1814 - Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , Great Britain governor general at Javanese, hear to mark sense purbakala's object find at silvan Borobudur. Raffles commands H.C. Cornelius to investigate find location, as hill that accomplished by thicket.

1873 - monografi first about temple is published.
1900 - Hindia's governance Dutch establishes one restoration committee and Borobudur's temple care.

1907 - Theodoor is Erp's van captaining restoration until year 1911 .

1926 - Borobudur is restored, but terhenti on year 1940 effect crisis malaise and World war ii .

1956 - government Indonesianing to ask for help UNESCO . Prof. Dr. C. Coremans come to Indonesia of Belgian to analyze Borobudur's damage cause.

1963 - government Indonesianing to issue decree for memugar Borobudur, but wretched after scene happening G - 30 S .

1968 - on conference 15 at France , UNESCO accepts to lent a helping hand to save Borobudur.

1971 - government Indonesianing to form Borobudur's restoration body that taken the chair by Prof. Ir. Roosseno .

1972 - International Consultative Committee formed by involves various state and Roosseno as chairman it. Committee that sponsored by UNESCO provides 5 million United States Of America dollar of restoration cost 7.750 million United States Of America dollars. Its rest taken on by Indonesia.

10th August 1973 - President Soeharto formalize be begun Borobudur's restoration; finished restoration on year 1984

21st January 1985 - attack happening bombs that damages many stupa on Borobudur's temple is next shortly be fixed back.

1991 - Borobudur is established as UNESCO'S World inheritance .

thanks before ^_^